Fire is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation (burning) of a fuel.
A fire needs three elements to occur.(Fuel, Heat and Oxygen)
Without each of the three elements a fire will not occur.
FUEL - A combustible substance such as solids, liquids or gases
OXYGEN - A sufficient amount (over 21%) must be present in the atmosphere surrounding the fuel for fire to ignite.
HEAT – The attainment of a certain temperature to the fuel. Once started the heat supply is maintained.
Fires are classified into four classes depending upon their method of extinguishing.
Class A: Fires involving Ordinary Combustible materials such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber and some plastics
Class B: Fires involving flammable or Combustible Liquids, flammable Gases such as gasoline, paints, and solvents.
Class C: Fires involving Energized Electrical Equipment or other materials located near electrically energized equipment.
Class D: Fires involving certain combustible Metals, such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, potassium, aluminum.
Class K: Class K fire is known as kitchen fire